SEC 的暖通空調解決方案入圍「環保建築大獎2021」

我們很高興SEC的人工智能冷凍水機組優化方案PlantPRO 成功入圍「環保建築大獎2021」的「建築產品及科技」類別。由香港綠色建築議會及環保建築專業議會合辦的「環保建築大獎2021」旨在表彰對可持續發展及建築環境有出色表現及貢獻的建築項目及機構。 是次獲獎再次證明我們的冷凍水機組優化方案得到業界認可。我們將繼續引入創新的能源管理解決方案,以協助客戶達成減碳目標。 按此閱讀我們屢獲殊榮的暖通空調解決方案。 相關資訊 所有消息

By |2023-06-27T07:55:43+08:006 5 月, 2022|消息|在〈SEC 的暖通空調解決方案入圍「環保建築大獎2021」〉中留言功能已關閉

中電的旅程: 通過不斷創新實現可持續發展(此網誌內容只提供英文版)

2021 is a year to be remembered. In face of all the challenges, our focuses and priorities have never changed. We worked diligently to close the innovation gaps that were vital to attaining sustainability, and collaborated with our peers to conduct research, leverage technology, and capture intellectual capital to accomplish sustainability milestones. The S&P

By |2023-05-18T06:45:19+08:005 5 月, 2022|網誌|在〈中電的旅程: 通過不斷創新實現可持續發展(此網誌內容只提供英文版)〉中留言功能已關閉

HR Magazine on Workplaces that Work (只提供英文版)

"Many organisations are hungry to go green and become more sustainable, but they don't know exactly how to do this or where to go to get help with this journey," Serena Pau, our Head of Products said, "This was part of our drive to develop EC Workspace".Recently, HR Magazine sat down with Serena, and Vincent

By |2023-06-27T07:55:53+08:005 5 月, 2022|消息|在〈HR Magazine on Workplaces that Work (只提供英文版)〉中留言功能已關閉
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