SEC Webinar: Managing Office Facilities in a Smart Way

SEC Webinar: Managing Office Facilities in a Smart Way

2021-06-29 @ 3:00 下午 - 3:30 下午



To our Cantonese speaking friends, join us in this upcoming how-to webinar, to see how you can build a modern, agile collaborative environment with our EC Room Booking System, that is also safe for your employees or students to return to office or campus safely amidst the pandemic.

EC Room Booking is a smart room scheduling tool that can protect your people. You can specify the zones available for booking, leaving no rooms over-or-under-utilised and fully enabling social distancing. With it, you can also arrange sanitisation or trace contact as situation requires, thereby minimising risks and contamination.

With our EC Room Booking, you can automate repetitive work, empower your employees or students, and change the way they interact with technology, ultimately transforming experience at office and schools.